Research Fellow
Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford
UKRI Horizon Europe Guarantee Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship
Project: Phenomenology of Deep Learning
19-21 March/2025: I'm attending the Physics for AI workshop at the Mathematical Institute here in Oxford.
9-15 December/2024: I'm attending NeurIPS'24 in Vancouver. Feel free to reach out if you'd like to meet up!
19 November/2024: I will participate in the Physics for AI and AI for Physics: Landscaping Workshop at the Institute of Physics, London.
1 November/2024: I'm giving a talk at the AI Security Reading Group, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford.
28-29 October/2024: I'm attending the 'Beyond the symbols vs signals debate' meeting at The Royal Society (London).
September/2024: Our paper, An exactly solvable model for emergence and scaling laws, was accepted at NeurIPS 2024!
March-June/2024: I'm participating in the AI Alignment Course run by BlueDot Impact. Please feel free to reach out if you'd like to exchange ideas or explore potential collaborations!

My current work focuses on understanding fundamental phenomena in artificial intelligence. My approach, which I call 'Phenomenology of Deep Learning', draws from my background in particle physics phenomenology to combine rigorous theoretical analysis with empirical evidence. For instance, see [here] for our work on emergence and scaling laws and [here] for our work on double descent and online/offline correspondence in similarity learning.
Previously, I explored the construction of models to explain small- and large-scale phenomena in the universe. I worked on the interplay between particle physics theory and cosmology, learning from the early universe how to build and interpret our models of particle physics. See [here] for all publications.

I'm a Research Fellow at Oxford Theoretical Physics, where I'm exploring the interplay between Machine Learning and Physics. I'm hosted at Ard Louis group. Before Oxford, I worked as a Research Scientist at IBM Research UK. Previously, I was at ICTP in Trieste, DESY Theory Group in Hamburg, CTP at MIT, University of São Paulo, and University of Campinas.
For more details, please see my [CV].