- In machine learning papers, an asterisk (*) denotes equal contribution. In theoretical high energy physics, the convention is to order the author list alphabetically.
- Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) and Physical Review D (PRD) are top journals in the field, see, e.g., Google Scholar High Energy and Nuclear Physics top publications.
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Y. Nam*, N. Fonseca*, S. H. Lee, C. Mingard, A. A. Louis, An exactly solvable model for emergence and scaling laws.
N. Fonseca*, V. Guidetti*, W. Trojak*, Probing optimisation in physics-informed neural networks.
ICLR 2023 Workshop on Physics for Machine Learning [Physics4ML]
N. Fonseca* and V. Guidetti*, Generalizing similarity in noisy setups: the DIBS phenomenon.
N. Fonseca and E. Morgante, Probing photophobic (rel)axion dark matter.
N. Fonseca, E. Morgante, R. Sato, G. Servant, Relaxion Fluctuations (Self-stopping Relaxion) and Overview of Relaxion Stopping mechanism.
N. Fonseca, E. Morgante, R. Sato, G. Servant, Axion Fragmentation.
N. Fonseca, B. von Harling, L. de Lima, C. S. Machado, Super-Planckian axions from near-conformality.
N. Fonseca and E. Morgante, Relaxion Dark Matter.
N. Fonseca, E. Morgante, and G. Servant, Higgs relaxation after inflation.
N. Fonseca, B. von Harling, L. de Lima, and C. S. Machado, A warped relaxion.
N. Bernal, C. S. Fong, and N. Fonseca, Sharing but not caring: Dark Matter and the Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe.
N. Fonseca, L. de Lima, C. S. Machado, and R. D. Matheus, Large field excursions from a few site relaxion model (N-Relaxion).
N. Fonseca, L. Necib and J. Thaler, Dark Matter, Shared Asymmetries, and Galactic Gamma Ray Signals
N. Fonseca, R. Z. Funchal, A. Lessa, and L. Lopez-Honorez, Dark Matter Constraints on Composite Higgs Models.
G. Burdman, N. Fonseca, and G. Lichtenstein, Resonances from Quiver Theories at the LHC.
G. Burdman, N. Fonseca, and L. Lima, Full-hierarchy Quiver Theories of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Fermion Masses.